Mad About Obamacare? Blame Bush
+Bush is responsible not only for Medicare "D". He let the leftmedia define
the war in Iraq. He didn't fight back. He trusted that the truth would be
revealed - forgetting that facts don't matter, but what the people can be
convinced of, does. With the left's relentless assault on him, on the war,
and his utter passivity in the face of that attack, he set the stage for
Comrade Obama to step in.
Marginalizing Conservative Ideas
+Older but insightful
The Dismantling of America
+Sowell is a Herculean intellect.
The Inconvenient Truth About Hurricanes
+The inconvenient truth is that the only inexhaustible supply of energy is the hot air from Gore's mouth
The Path to ObamaCare Has Revealed the Sickness of Left-Wing Governance
+The ends justify the means; and the left will use work to succeed by any means they can get away with
Rape of Liberty
+Beer-goggle aftermath. And so true.
Ann Coulter’s speech in Ottawa cancelled
+Look at any Conservative speaking today; they require security, and the left's brownshirts harrass, shout down, and physically attack them. Just WHO starts violence?
Obama’s Dangerous Diplomacy
+Obama is inviting attack with his overt displays of weakness
The Tea Party Spirit
+The despot Caligula used to post laws so high on the wall they could not be read by those it applied to - this is the modern equivalent
The racist & anti-gay Tea Parties in left-wingers’ minds
+Agent Provocateurs are a standard leftist tactic. I give at least even odds anyone yelling any such things at a Tea Party is a plant by the left to discredit the right
Barry at the Gate. He's not wanted.
+Smart diplomacy, respected abroad, eh?
More on Health Care Predictions
+Wait, wait - you mean, there should actually be measurable results? Poppycock - this is about feeling good about how self-righteous we are! Results - PFUI - like every other liberal program, results don't matter... only their good intentions.
UNICEF sponsored ad calls for boycotting Israel
+Tell me again why we're funding the UN?
The ObamaCare 'Acceptance' Strategy
+Good psych warfare people on the left. I'll give them that. The reality is that this matches the very definition of fascism: government-run business with the illusion of independence.
Dems miss an obvious lesson plan for deprived children
+Liberals need a culture of uneducated people who feel cheated. If the left lost 25% of the black vote they'd be done in American elections.
Why America Hates Universal Health Care: The Real Reason
+Is everything a function of choice? No. But many of our health conditions are within our control to an amazing degree. But this would imply individuals had to be responsible for themselves and, worse, live with the consequences of their own actions.
Climategate: James Hansen Finds Complying with FOIA To Be Too Much of a Burden
+Awwww. The heretics are questioning the AGW gods... and they don't like being questioned.
Barack Hussein Obama and Indonesia: there's no place like home
+Actually pretty insightful, and meshes well with:
The Post-American Presidency
+Gotta love John Bolton; someone who clearly loves America and is not afraid to fight for her
ObamaCare Day One
+Increased health care costs... possibly jeopardizing employer insurance? WHO WOULD HAVE PREDICTED IT?
Surprise! Senior Congressional Staff Who Wrote the HC Bill EXEMPT from Obamacare!
+ObamaCare is for the little people.
Health Care: Yep. It Was All About the 1970s
+Wait, you mean more government regulation increases something's price? And that when prices go up, people don't buy it as much? Who'd a thunk it?
A Case Study in Republican Rhetorical Incompetence
+And I love the quote: "We have counted the cost of this contest, and find nothing so dreadful as voluntary slavery. Honor, justice, and humanity forbid us tamely to surrender that freedom which we received from our gallant ancestors, and which our innocent posterity have a right to receive from us." - Thomas Jefferson, 1775
America’s Constitutional Awakening
+Walter Williams is another national treasure.
What Was That Line About the Tree of Liberty and the Blood of Tyrants?
+Violence and death threats - not called for and utterly condemnable. Odd, though, that the left engages in actual violence and the leftmedia engages in actively excusing it or covering it up.
From a Doctor Who Will Not Comply
+Civil disobedience. How much do you want to bet this doctor gets her license... "investigated" and her practice audited?
Conservatism bestirs itself
+We have the best message; we just need to present it well.
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