Wednesday, March 31, 2010

LINKFEST 03-31-2010

Morning Bell: $1 Billion AT&T Headache is Just Obamacare’s First Side Effect

+$14 billion of profits sucked out of the economy. I wonder what that will do to the "recovery".


Obama's Jewish Defenders

+But... but... but... I thought meddling in other countries was BAD!


Obama: HC Law Is Critical ‘First Step’

+No guts to demand single payer and have an honest debate, just a stealth implementation


Lady Gaga Versus Mideast Peace

+They hate our culture, they hate the fact we're not muslims. What part of this is unclear?


Violent Liberal Hate Rhetoric: Fifteen Quotes

+And do check out "Unhinged", the book by Michelle Malkin


A Trip Down Memory Lane

+Funny how dissent stopped being patriotic in January 2009...



+For a huge assortments of fruits, nuts, flakes, and general nasty stuff about the left


How the Left fakes the hate: A primer

+Michelle Malkin knows ALL ABOUT being targeted by the left


"Change" Is Not New

+The climate's been changing since forever


Listen to the Panther

+Nothing is so powerful as the testimony of someone who used to be on the left... and nothing is so frightening TO the left


An Exceptional Debate

+America is exceptional. Period. And Obama is our first post-American president. This is a MUST READ!


Note to Liberal Elite: It's Not About Race

+The reality is that most whites really don't care. They've taken to heart MLK Jr's dictum about content of character. But to the left, they literally cannot conceive that someone might disagree with their "noble" and "well-intentioned" policies - so they default back to thinking about race.


EDITORIAL: Dems play the terror card

+What this really is, is a way to distract from the rising opposition to Obama... and the attempt to smear it to discredit it.


We’re All Emmanuel Goldsteins Now

+Without an enemy to unite the diverse factions of the left - i.e., conservatives - they'd fall apart


Iran: What Now?

+We are approaching the precipice with barely a thought to how this will change things, or how many will die because of inaction / incompetence.


What 'To Regulate Commerce' Means

+If Congress can mandate health care because of this clause, the idea of limited government is truly dead. Straight from the Founders!


Chicago Law School faculty hated Obama...

+Striking at the clay feet of the Obama colossus; doing the background investigation the MSM didn't and won't do.


Don't tread on me

+With some nice embedded links.


Conflict or Cooperation

+Walter E Williams is also a national treasure.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

LINKFEST 03-30-2010

The Parable of the Satellite Dish

+Maybe if we talk slowly and use small words the left will grasp our ideas.


The Revolutionary War wasn’t fought for much more than this



Are Americans Still Americans?

+Penetrating questions.


Friend or Foe: Does the Obama administration know the difference?


The Media's Myth of Right Wing Violence

+The real reason for the hullabaloo? The Tea Party is a threat.


If King George Will Not Listen . . .

+Push the bill through DESPITE a clear majority opposition, tell people to shut up because they'll like it, in general treat people like ATMs for Congress to party hearty, and then act surprised that the people are angry?


Why Barack Obama Manufactured This Crisis With Israel

+Do not be surprised if Obama's messages are read as an OK to attack Israel; don't be surprised if this happens in October.


Leftiest protestors!

+The gene pool needs chlorine - stat!


WOLF: Obama family health care fracas

+How novel - listening to a doctor on ObamaCare


Friend or Foe: Does the Obama administration know the difference?

+Yes. Friends are who we alientate. Enemies are who we kiss-up to.


More “smart power” on display in Canada


Barack Obama’s imperial hubris will usher in American decline

+At what point can we legitimately ask if this is sheer incompetence or something more sinister?


Why Liberals (think they) Are More Intelligent Than Conservatives

+One word: ego.


Cuban Mythology

+The glories of a state-run system...


Perspectives Of A Russian Immigrant, No. 8

+And be sure to read the others in the series!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Linkfest 03-25-2010

Mad About Obamacare? Blame Bush

+Bush is responsible not only for Medicare "D". He let the leftmedia define
the war in Iraq. He didn't fight back. He trusted that the truth would be
revealed - forgetting that facts don't matter, but what the people can be
convinced of, does. With the left's relentless assault on him, on the war,
and his utter passivity in the face of that attack, he set the stage for
Comrade Obama to step in.


Marginalizing Conservative Ideas

+Older but insightful


The Dismantling of America

+Sowell is a Herculean intellect.


The Inconvenient Truth About Hurricanes

+The inconvenient truth is that the only inexhaustible supply of energy is the hot air from Gore's mouth


The Path to ObamaCare Has Revealed the Sickness of Left-Wing Governance

+The ends justify the means; and the left will use work to succeed by any means they can get away with


Rape of Liberty

+Beer-goggle aftermath. And so true.


Ann Coulter’s speech in Ottawa cancelled

+Look at any Conservative speaking today; they require security, and the left's brownshirts harrass, shout down, and physically attack them. Just WHO starts violence?


Obama’s Dangerous Diplomacy

+Obama is inviting attack with his overt displays of weakness


The Tea Party Spirit

+The despot Caligula used to post laws so high on the wall they could not be read by those it applied to - this is the modern equivalent


The racist & anti-gay Tea Parties in left-wingers’ minds

+Agent Provocateurs are a standard leftist tactic. I give at least even odds anyone yelling any such things at a Tea Party is a plant by the left to discredit the right


Barry at the Gate. He's not wanted.

+Smart diplomacy, respected abroad, eh?


More on Health Care Predictions

+Wait, wait - you mean, there should actually be measurable results? Poppycock - this is about feeling good about how self-righteous we are! Results - PFUI - like every other liberal program, results don't matter... only their good intentions.


UNICEF sponsored ad calls for boycotting Israel

+Tell me again why we're funding the UN?


The ObamaCare 'Acceptance' Strategy

+Good psych warfare people on the left. I'll give them that. The reality is that this matches the very definition of fascism: government-run business with the illusion of independence.


Dems miss an obvious lesson plan for deprived children

+Liberals need a culture of uneducated people who feel cheated. If the left lost 25% of the black vote they'd be done in American elections.


Why America Hates Universal Health Care: The Real Reason

+Is everything a function of choice? No. But many of our health conditions are within our control to an amazing degree. But this would imply individuals had to be responsible for themselves and, worse, live with the consequences of their own actions.


Climategate: James Hansen Finds Complying with FOIA To Be Too Much of a Burden

+Awwww. The heretics are questioning the AGW gods... and they don't like being questioned.


Barack Hussein Obama and Indonesia: there's no place like home

+Actually pretty insightful, and meshes well with:

The Post-American Presidency

+Gotta love John Bolton; someone who clearly loves America and is not afraid to fight for her


ObamaCare Day One

+Increased health care costs... possibly jeopardizing employer insurance? WHO WOULD HAVE PREDICTED IT?


Surprise! Senior Congressional Staff Who Wrote the HC Bill EXEMPT from Obamacare!

+ObamaCare is for the little people.


Health Care: Yep. It Was All About the 1970s

+Wait, you mean more government regulation increases something's price? And that when prices go up, people don't buy it as much? Who'd a thunk it?


A Case Study in Republican Rhetorical Incompetence

+And I love the quote: "We have counted the cost of this contest, and find nothing so dreadful as voluntary slavery. Honor, justice, and humanity forbid us tamely to surrender that freedom which we received from our gallant ancestors, and which our innocent posterity have a right to receive from us." - Thomas Jefferson, 1775


America’s Constitutional Awakening

+Walter Williams is another national treasure.


What Was That Line About the Tree of Liberty and the Blood of Tyrants?

+Violence and death threats - not called for and utterly condemnable. Odd, though, that the left engages in actual violence and the leftmedia engages in actively excusing it or covering it up.


From a Doctor Who Will Not Comply

+Civil disobedience. How much do you want to bet this doctor gets her license... "investigated" and her practice audited?


Conservatism bestirs itself

+We have the best message; we just need to present it well.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Linkfest catch-up

We’ve Crossed the Rubicon
Comment: VDH is a must-read, every column.

Democrats to America: Drop dead
Comment: The arrogance is truly breathtaking... and the predicted backlash is going to do something: utterly confuse them: "How DARE the rubes defy us!"

Pep Talk
Silver Linings
Comment: Good points in both.

The Cloward/Piven Strategy of Economic Recovery
Comment: If one makes the assumption that Obama is following this strategy, most of what he does makes sense.
Meshes well with:
Destroying America from Within
Comment: Again... if one makes the assumption that Obama's intent is to bankrupt America, a lot of his actions make sense.

It’s NOT a Health Bill, NOT a Medicare Tax and It Can’t Possibly Cost Only $940 Billion
Comment: Absolutely. And you can kiss medical and drug innovation goodbye.

20 Ways ObamaCare Will Take Away Our Freedoms
Comment: But it will liberate us to pursue our dreams without worry! STRAIGHT out of Marx.

Enslaved At Last! Enslaved At Last! Thank God Almighty, They're Enslaved At Last!

What Freedom Demands
Comment: A-frickin'-men.

The Way Out
Comment: To (mis)quote a line from a movie I like from way back - "The Octogon" - "Well, I guess it's time for a[n electoral] bloodbath!"

Prepared for Failure
Comment: The answer, as always for the left, is MORE GOVERNMENT. What's that definition of insanity again?

Error of big government, it’s back!
Comment: Mike's conclusion about Pelosi et als' walk is probably right.

A Strong Dose of Reality
Comment: The idea that ANY entity can sustain spending more than it takes in is folly so large only a PhD can believe it.Like I said, what Obama is doing makes sense in the context of this - indeed, it matches extraordinarily well:
The Cloward/Piven Strategy of Economic Recovery

American Tyranny
Comment: Time to reread "The Road to Serfdom" by Hayek. And a nice companion piece is
Tattered Liberty

What They’ve Done Can Be Undone
Comment: My ONLY regret is that we can't opt out of the monstrosity they've created. Just like I wish the Jihadis could attack only the left.

Health Care: The Next Move Is Yours, Republicans – Don’t Blow It
Comment: Sadly, the GOP isn't called the "stupid party" for nothing.

Is the tax power infinite?
Comment: A little heavy, but... I like Dave Kopel.

Inside the Pelosi Sausage Factory
Comment: Why, oh WHY, can't the Right fight to win? We're in a bar brawl, and putting up our fists and saying "Marquis of Queensbury Rules, of course."

Democratic Party Corruption
Comment: Get impeached for bribery and commit perjury - Dems elect you to Congress